KYOKO YOSHIDA official website

fiction writing, translation, American Literature, baseball
Kyoko Yoshida was born and raised in Fukuoka, studied in Kyoto and Milwaukee, taught in Yokohama and Tokyo, and now teaches in Kyoto. She writes fiction in English and translates from/into Japanese. Her story collections are Disorientalism (Vagabond Press, 2013) and Spring Sleepers (Strangers Press, 2016). Her stories appear in the inaugural BooksActually’s Gold Standard 2016 (Math Paper Press) and After Coetzee: An Anthology of Animal Fictions (Faunary Press, 2017). She is one of the co-translators of Alice Iris Red Horse: Selected Poems of Yoshimasu Gozo (New Directions, 2016). With poet Forrest Gander, she has translated Spectacle & Pigsty (OmniDawn, 2011; Best Translated Book Award in Poetry, 2012); with playwright Andy Bragen, Proud Son by Shu Matsui, Like a Butterfly, My Nostalgia by Masataka Matsuda, and others. She has translated fictions by Dave Eggers and Gary Shteyingart into Japanese. She was a 2005 International Writing Program fellow at the University of Iowa. She has also written on pre-WWII trans-Pacific baseball exchanges and cultural representations of American baseball.
1969 |
Born in Munakata, Fukuoka |
1989 |
Graduates Fukuoka High School |
1994 |
B.A. in American Literature from Kyoto University |
1996 |
M.A. in Human and Environmental Studies from Kyoto University |
1999-2001 |
Editor-in-Chief, The Cream City Review |
2001 |
Ph.D. in English at University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee(Creative Writing) |
2001-2014 |
Faculty of Letters, Keio University |
2005 |
Honorary Fellow, International Writing Program, University of Iowa |
2005-2007 |
Visiting Fellow, Literary Arts Program, Brown University |
2014-present |
College of Letters, Ritsumeikan University |
(in the reverse chronological order, as of 2019)
- Spring Sleepers. Norwich: Stranger Press, 2017.
- "Number 2 Pencils for the White Cat." After Coetzee: An Anthology of Animal Fictions. A. Marie Houser, Ed. Faunary P, 2017. 3-5.
- “A Solar Eclipse.” CHA: An Asian Literary Journal 34, December 2016.
- “In Defense of Literature, or the Miracle of Saint Roch.” BooksActually Gold Standard 2016. Math Paper Press, 2016. 8-17.
- Disorientalism. Vagabond Press, 2014.
- “A Goldfish Galaxy.” Beloit Fiction Journal 21, Spring 2008: 65-67.
- “Hunting Whale Maps in Providence: A Fiction with Notes.” 『アメリカ文学評論』 20, 2007: 90-99.
- “Milk Bath.” Nethra Vol. 3-8, Sep-Dec 2005: 66-80.
- “Mr. Volker.” The Cream City Review 28.2, 2004: 153-55.
- “Manualscript.” (A Pushcart Prize nominee) The Emergency Almanac Winter 2004:
- “Marsupial, the Lowly Mammal.” Panic Americana 8, 2003: 98-99.
- “Borrowing Books.” Panic Americana 8, 2003: 100-101.
- “Between the Imperial Garden and Temple Street.” Cimarron Review 139, Spring 2002: 75-78.
- “The Source of My Blue.” Chelsea 72, December 2002: 145-48.
- “Number 2 Pencils for the White Cat.” The Bibliophilos Spring, 2001: 177-78.
- “Kyoto Panorama Project.” The Massachusetts Review XLI, No. 4 Winter 2000-01: 589-605.
- “Chick Sexing School, or How Our Dead Grandfather Summoned Us to Japan.” Red Cedar Review Winter 2000-01: 28-42.
- “A Bus Trip.” The Distillery July 2000: 49-51.
- “The Movie Dog.” The Western Humanities Review Summer 1998: 124-5.
- “Clarity.” Outerbridge 27. 1998: 134-48.
- “Spring Sleepers” Alabama Literary Review Spring 1998: 19-34.
- “The Eastern Studies Institute.” The Crab Orchard Review Spring/Summer 1998: 180-85.
Essays & Papers
- “Eating (Dis)Order: from Metaphoric Cannibalism to Cannibalistic Metaphors,”J. M. Coetzee in Context and Theory. Elleke Boehmer and others, Eds. Continuum, 2009. 135-146.
- "Commuting to Tokyo with Marco Polo: Disorientalism Revisited." 2009 Souk Ukaz: Wirint in and beyond the City, International Writing Program (IWP)
- “The Acts of Reading in The House of the Seven Gables.” 『日吉紀要: 英語英米文学』 (46号), 2005. 109-141
- “Of Being an ‘American Writer’” 91st Meridian. International Writers Program (IWP), University of Iowa.
- “Disorientalism” IWP Panel: “Imagination/Fantasy/Reality” International Writers Program (IWP), University of Iowa. Iowa City Public Library.
- “East is West” (Book review of Arthur Golden, “Memoirs of a Geisha”) The Bibliophilos Vol. 3. 4, 2000. 240-250.
- “The Big Question Mark: Analyzing the Mysteries in J. M. Coetzee’s Foe.” 『人間・環境学』8号, 1999. 143-67.
Translations from Japanese into English
- “Wandering the Garden of Wandering,” "Those Who Eat Are Eaten Tonight," and "Doubled Desire" by Hachikai Mimi. Two Lines 29 (2018): 148-63.
- Tian Yuan “Hu-Hu-Hu” “Always” 田原「フフフ」「かならず」 Tokyo Poetry Journal vol. 4, 2017. 34-37.
- “A Whistle (from the Other Shore).” Alice Iris Red Horse: Selected Poems by Yoshimasu Gozo. New York: New Directions, 2016. 81-85.「(彼岸からの)口笛」Co-translated with Forrest Gander.
- Proud Son by Shu MATSUI. Co-translated with Andy Bragen. International Play Festival 2012, Ohio Northern University. 松井周『自慢の息子』
- Women in a Holy Mess by Ai NAGAI. Co-translated with Andy Bragen and Yuka. The U.S. premiere, November 5, 2007 at the Playwrights’ Center in Minneapolis 永井愛『片づけたい女たち』東京: 而立書房, 2013. 1-105.
- Spectacle & Pigsty: Selected Poems of Kiwao Nomura. Co-translated with Forrest Gander. Richmond: Omnidawn, 2011. Winner of the 2012 Best Translated Book Award in Poetry.
- PARK CITY by Masataka MATSUDA. 松田正隆作 戯曲『PARK CITY』Commissioned by Yamaguchi Center for Arts and Media. 2010.
- Like a Butterfly, My Nostalgia by Masataka Matsuda. 松田正隆作格『蝶のやうな私の郷愁』Co-translation with Andy Bragen. For the PlayLabs 2007 at the Playwrights’ Center in Minneapolis. The U.S. premiere, July 19, 2007.
- “Polar King,” by Yasutaka TSUTSUI. Tsutsui Yasutaka’s Official Web Page ( 筒井康隆「北極王」
Publications in Japanese
(Books, Fiction, Academic Papers, Essays, Reviews)
- 「エッセイストとしてのデイヴィド・フォスター・ウォレス」『すばる』2018年9月号. 298-300.
- 「【コラム】読者・創作コミュニティ」『アメリカ文化事典』丸善出版, 2018. 590.
- 「ディスオリエンタリズム−−偽アメリカ作家の告白」『三田文學 特集 アメリカの光と影』2017年夏季号. 48-57.
- オマル・エル=アッカド著, 黒原敏行訳、『アメリカン・ウォー』共同通信社配信書評, 2017年10月
- 「想像上のアメリカ作家」『現代詩手帖 特集:旅する現代詩』2017年5月号. 58-60.
- 随筆「リジェクション・スリップ」『群像』2016年11月号、264−65
- 書評「ネットワークとフットワークで―—ジェフリー・アングルス編『いまここにこれらのことを』ほか」現代詩手帖59巻 11号、2016年11月、96-97.
- 「安全の手引き」『文学と環境』19号, 2016年10月. 11-12.
- 『ベースボールを読む』慶應義塾大学出版会, 2014.
- 「アメリカの夢のベトナム化--Bharati MukherjeeのThe Middlemanに見るアメリカ原理主義--」『立命館英米文学』24号, 2014. 35-53.
- 「翻訳跡地まで」『現代詩手帖−−ニュートランスレーション−−翻訳の詩学』思潮社10月号, 2012. 26-30.
- 「ワークショップ Inc.— デイヴィド・フォスター・ウォレス『帝国は進路を西へ』 に見る創作科のジレンマ」『ALBION』(復刊58号), 2012. 34-54.
- 「徹底解剖(しない)! ヴォネガットの笑い」「トウモロコシとブタとラ イターズ・ワークショップ— アイオワのヴォネガット」『現代作家ガイド6 カート・ヴォネガット』巽孝之ほか編. 彩流社, 2012. 142-154; 155-169.
- 「トウモロコシとブタとラ イターズ・ワークショップ— アイオワのヴォネガット」『現代作家ガイド6 カート・ヴォネガット』巽孝之ほか編. 彩流社, 2012. 155-169.
- 「creative wiringと三田文学」『三田文学』104号, 2011. 206-214.
- 「キャンパス都市日吉」『ニューズレター』慶應義塾大学教養研究センター(19巻1号), 2011. 1.
- 「数え歌である」(野村喜和夫著『ヌードな日』書評)『現代詩手帖』12月, 2011. 145.
- 「作家の作家の声—二つの「音声計画」に見る創作科の声の政治学」『悪夢への変貌』福岡和子ほか編. 松籟社, 2010. 225-252.
- 「新刊紹介」(安河内英光、馬塲弘利編『ポストモダン・アメリカ』書評)
- 「日米野球の黄金時代—散逸した藤田コレクション」『慶應義塾図書館の蔵書』佐藤道生編. 慶應義塾大学出版会, 2009. 77-107.
- 「Brian Evenson」『Albion』復刊54号, 96-102.
- 「情の技法のもつれ—アメリカの創作科と文学批評」『情の技法』坂本光ほか編. 慶應義塾大学出版会, 2006. 181-201.
- 「食人から聖餐まで--クッツェー作品におけるもの喰うイメージ」『J. M. クッツエーの世界--〈フィクション〉と〈共同体〉』田尻芳樹ほか著. 英宝社, 2006. 241-282.
- 「新刊紹介」(多田健次著『海を渡ったサムライの娘杉本鉞子』書評)『アメリカ学会会報』152号, 2004. 7.
- 「ポストモダンの長い午後」(ジョン・バース著, 志村正雄訳 『ストーリーを続けよう』書評)『週刊読書人』(2493号), 2003. 5.
- 「映画・悪夢・鏡・嫉妬」『八事』19号, 2002. 137-142.
Translations from English into Japanese
- 「日系アメリカ野球のパイオニア銭村健一郎」Bill Staples, Jr., "Kenichi Zenimura, Japanese American Baseball Pioneer." 『立命館言語文化研究』Vol. 30, No. 2. 2018年11月. 25-44.
- デイヴィド・フォスター・ウォレス「ロブスターの身」David Foster Wallace, “Consider the Lobster.”『すばる』2018年9月号. 282-98.
- 抄訳「ボーン・トランスレーテッド 序章−−世界文学の今をめぐって」Rebecca C. Walkowitz, "Introduction," Born Translated: The Contemporary Novel in an Age of World Literature. 松籟社, 2018.
- デイヴ・エガーズ『王様のためのホログラム』早川書房, 2016. Dave Eggers, A Hologram for the King. Hayakawa Publishing Co, 2016.
- 「レニー♡ユーニス」『ベスト・ストーリーズIII: カボチャ頭』341-86. Gary Shteyngart, “Lenny Hearts Eunice” Hayakawa Publishing, Co. 2015.
- デイヴ・エガーズ『ザ・サークル』早川書房, 2014. Dave Eggers, The Circle. Hayakawa Publishing Co, 2014.
- フォレスト・ガンダー「『スペクタクルそして豚小屋』翻訳の方へ」『現代詩手帖—ニュートランスレーション—翻訳の詩学』10月号, 2012. 14-16.
- Elizabeth Clark Wessel 「野村喜和男の仮面—Spectacle & Pigsty翻訳者(フォレスト・ガンダー/吉田恭子)に聞く」『現代詩手帖—ニュートランスレーション—翻訳の詩学』10月号, 2012: 17-21.
- カート・ヴォネガット「最後の言葉」Kurt Vonnegut.『現代作家ガイド6 カート・ヴォネガット』巽孝之ほか編. 彩流社, 2012. 48-53.
- フォレスト・ガンダー「日本のベンヤミン−−翻訳讃」Forest Gander,“Benjamin in Japan: In Praise of Translation”『現代詩手帖—新しい出会いのために』2月号, 2011: 89.
- フォレスト・ガンダー「拓かれた空間—小詩集」『現代詩手帖』10月号, 2010: 91-95.
- 『拓かれた空間—フォレスト・ガンダー対訳詩集』吉田恭子編. 慶應義塾大学出版会印刷. 私家版, 2010.
- ヤン・ローレンス 『連詩: 多重性の実相について』 "Poems: On the Real of Being-Multiple” by Jan Lauwereyns. 環太平洋現代詩祭2007. 世田谷パブリックシアター
- Wendy Wright, John Mateer 「アイオワで出会った詩人たち」『現代詩手帖』野村喜和夫, 吉田恭子訳. 4月号(2006): 168-173.
Recent Literary Festivals, Writers’ Conferences and Residencies
Feb.-Mar. ’19 |
International Writers’ Workshop, Hong Kong Baptist University |
Nov. 2018 |
George Town Literary Festival |
Apr. 2017 |
The 50th anniversary events at the International Writing Program at University of Iowa |
Jan. 2017 |
Jaipur Literature Festival |
Nov. 2016 |
Singapore Writers’ Festival |
Feb. 2016 |
JAPAN NOW at British Library |
Jun. 2015 |
The WORLDS Literary Festival (Norwich) |
Mar. 2015 |
The Tokyo International Literary Festival (translation workshop leader) |
Mar. 2015 |
ASEAN Literary Festival |
Mar. 2013 |
Sydney Writers’ Festival |
Nov. 2005 |
Residency, Kimmel Harding Nelson Center for the Arts (Nebraska City) |
Sep. 2005 |
International Writing Program (University of Iowa) |
Selected Conference Papers and Lectures
May 10, 2019 |
"Writing and Translating in the Age of Post-National Literature." Translation Workshop. Rutgers University. May 10, 2019. |
Mar. 29, 2019 |
"Is Murakami an American Writer?" David Karashima, Masatsugu Ono, Kyoko Yoshida. Association of Writers and Writing Programs (AWP) Annual Convention, Oregon Convention Center |
Jul. 14, 2014 |
“Consider the Fancy Prose: Nabokovian Legacy in David Foster Wallace’s Infinite Jest” What Happens Now: 21st Century Writing in English Conference. University of Lincoln, UK. |
Oct. 12, 2005 |
“Disorientalism,” Iowa City Public Library Panel on Imagination/Fantasy/Reality |
Apr. 30, 2005 |
“Cannibalism and Vegetarianism: Eating (Dis)Order in J. M. Coetzee’s Fiction,” J. M. Coetzee and Post-Apartheid South African Literature: International Conference, at Royal Holloway, University of London, United Kingdom. |
Feb. 12, 2005 |
“The Bach Experience,” The Postcolonial Studies Symposium 10: What Is a Classic?: Postcolonial Literature and the Canon, at Chukyo University, Nagoya |
Oct. 17, 2004 |
“The Acts of Reading in The House of the Seven Gables,” The Annual National Conference of Japan American Literature Society at Konan University, Kobe |
Mar. 1, 2003 |
“Why Write At All?” The Annual Conference of the Associated Writing Programs, Baltimore |