All posts by nyampa

On 6 June 2021, ISOBREAK hosted by Ravi Shankar


On Saturday, June 5th at 8 PM (NYC EST)/ Sunday, June 6th at 10 AM (AEST), celebrate the tenth edition of ISOBREAK, the acclaimed international reading series co-sponsored by the Asia Pacific Writers and Translators and the New York Writers Workshop. ISOBREAK#10 will feature Filipina performance artist and Palanca Award winner NERISA DEL CARMEN GUEVARA; ; Malaysian Book Award winner and founding editor of Men Matters Online Journal MALACHI EDWIN VETHAMANI;  Japanese translator and author of Disorientalism and Spring Sleeper  KYOKO YOSHIDA; Jesse Ball duPont Endowed Chair of Social Justice Education at Stetson University and civil rights activist Dr. RAJNI SHANKAR-BROWN; and McSweeney’s author and University of Miami professor JASWINDER BOLINA. Hosted by Pushcart Prize winning poet, editor, MC and memoirist of the forthcoming “Correctional,” RAVI SHANKAR.  ISO BREAK is free and live streamed online and archived on YouTube. The Facebook Live event interface will be available seven days out from the event. Check for more details.



海外の文学レジデンシーに興味があるけれど……という日本語作家・詩人・劇作家・翻訳家(プロアマ不問)の方々を対象にオンラインワークショップを3月27日(土)19:00から開催します。共催:立命館大学国際言語文化研究所・京都文学レジデンシー準備委員会 無料・要申込

“Poetry Dispatch” is now out. 「詩の便り」をはじめました


Because so many things in our life have gone online while we live away from each other, I would be happy if something tangible came to visit. So I am sending these poems by mail to my friends randomly.

The original pdf of the dispatches have been archived at this link below. Feel free to print copies and share them with your friends.

Click the pictures below to read the back issues.






